
Best AI business ideas for startups to try in 2024

Tech Researcher

Novikova Darya

Tech Researcher

April 2
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The global interest in AI is overwhelming. It captivates more and more innovators and entrepreneurs across diverse industries. Currently, around 67,000+ AI companies operate worldwide, and their number is expected to grow.

Speaking of AI in the mobile app sector, projections are also quite promising. Statistics predict the growth from $5.5 billion in 2023 to $38.5 billion by 2028. And that’s justified as AI presents a plethora of opportunities for startups aiming to disrupt markets. 

Investors are taking notice too. AI startup ideas often attract funding more easily due to the immense potential of this technology. AI's transformative capabilities can revolutionize numerous industries, from healthcare and finance to marketing and logistics. 

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This article delves into AI business ideas for startups in 2024, encouraging you to harness the power of AI and develop a groundbreaking mobile app.

How businesses use AI: benefits and key considerations

Just imagine the scale – an impressive 83% of companies prioritize the integration of AI business opportunities into their strategies. 

Based on findings from a recent survey by Forbes, AI penetration takes place in businesses spanning various sectors. Predominantly, AI applications are deployed in customer service, with 56% of businesses leveraging this technology. AI solutions in cybersecurity have been adopted in 51% of enterprises. Popular AI use cases also include digital personal assistants, content production, accounting, and supply chain operations, among other domains.

Top Ways Business Owners Use AI

As you see, developing an AI-driven product can be an exciting prospect, as indicated by recent AI statistics highlighting its capacity to boost workforce productivity and industry growth. But before you rush to bring your AI startup ideas to life, carefully consider if they really align with your resources and goals. 

During the discovery phase of your project, ask yourself: what problem are you trying to solve? Is AI truly the best approach, or could a more traditional solution be sufficient? If AI is the answer, make sure you have enough investment, resources, and specialized expertise to build and maintain such a complex system.

How much does it cost to develop an app?

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15 Most profitable AI business ideas for startups

Innovation is the lifeblood of startups, and artificial intelligence offers a vast landscape for top-notch app ideas. Where can your vision take you? Let's explore some of the most promising AI product ideas to inspire you to new endeavors.

Best AI business ideas #1: AI-driven social apps

AI can revolutionize social apps by going beyond simple connections. When analyzing user data like interests, activities, and online behavior, AI algorithms can create smarter connections between people and offer more personalized content recommendations. If you already have a social networking app, you can empower it with additional AI capabilities.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • AI-powered matching

  • Conversation starter suggestions

  • Personalized news feed with relevant posts and events

  • AI content moderation tools to automatically detect and flag harmful posts

  • Smart chatbots for instant assistance and recommendations

  • AI-powered emotional analysis tools to improve social experience

📱 App example: TikTok

Best AI business ideas #2: E-learning apps

Traditional e-learning often lacks the adaptability to cater to individual learning needs. That’s why e-learning apps stand among the most popular AI business ideas. With the power of AI, an e-learning app can dynamically tailor content delivery, adaptive assessments, and real-time feedback, thereby optimizing learning outcomes and engagement.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Personalized learning paths based on proficiency levels

  • AI-driven predictive analytics and adaptive assessments

  • Virtual tutors

  • Gamification and personalized rewards

📱 App example: Coursera

Best AI business ideas #3: Food delivery apps

Food delivery is quite a crowded niche so many entrepreneurs simply don’t consider these on-demand app services as valid AI business opportunities. Yet, it’s a missed chance. In fact, integrating AI into such an app can be a game-changer, giving you a competitive edge in the market. AI algorithms can optimize various aspects of a food delivery app, from streamlining order processing to improving delivery accuracy, ultimately elevating the overall service quality.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Predictive ordering based on history, preferences, and contextual factors

  • AI-powered recipe customization and meal planning

  • AI-powered dynamic pricing and promotions

  • Predictive delivery tracking features

  • Generative AI assistants

📱 App example: DoorDash

Best AI business ideas #4: AI-powered workout planners

Gone are the days of generic workout plans. With AI at the helm, fitness enthusiasts can now experience tailor-made workout routines designed specifically for their individual goals and levels. These algorithms analyze users' exercise history and physical capabilities to generate customized routines that not only optimize effectiveness but also minimize the risk of injury. This personalized approach is the reason why workout planners are among the most successful AI business ideas.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Personalized workout plans

  • AI-driven exercise recommendations

  • Virtual fitness coaching

  • AI-powered goal tracking and progress monitoring

📱 App example: Nike Training Club

Best AI business ideas #5: Shopping assistants

Imagine an e-commerce experience that feels like having a personal shopping assistant by your side. Whether it’s a kids’ store or a building supplies store, AI will be relevant everywhere. By integrating this artificial intelligence business idea, you can provide tailored product recommendations, optimize inventory management, and create a seamless shopping journey both online and in-store.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Personalized product recommendations

  • Visual search and image recognition

  • Virtual try-on and augmented reality (AR) experiences

  • Intelligent customer service chatbots

  • Smart in-store navigation

📱 App example: Amazon

AI-powered Features of Mobile Apps Across Niches

Best AI business ideas #6: AI-powered design apps

From UX/UI design services to interior and architectural design, AI is poised to streamline the way we create. With AI-powered design apps, creators can enjoy streamlined workflows and enhanced productivity. These apps can analyze trends, automate repetitive tasks, offer design suggestions, assist with layouts, and even generate 3D models. This will make the design process more efficient and accessible for designers of all levels.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Image generation

  • AI-enhanced design suggestions

  • Smart object recognition

  • Smart color palette generation and matching

  • Interactive design prototyping with user behavior prediction

  • AI-powered design inspiration and trend analysis

📱 App example: Canva

How much does it cost to design an app?

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Best AI business ideas #7: Smart writing assistants 

Experience writer's block? Need quick SEO optimization? Or grammar gremlins got you down? A smart writing assistant is a nice way out. Implementing this AI startup idea can offer invaluable guidance to writers by brainstorming ideas, proofreading, improving readability, optimizing for SEO, paraphrasing, and and even helping to generate paragraphs on demand

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

📱 App example: Grammarly

Best AI business ideas #8: Personalized investment advisors

Bringing AI business ideas to the fintech sector can empower individuals to make smarter decisions and build wealth over time. For that purpose, you can create an AI-powered platform that provides personalized investment advice. Through advanced machine learning algorithms, this investment advisor can check users' financial profiles, risk tolerance, investment goals, and market trends to optimize their investment outcomes.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • AI-powered risk assessment and portfolio optimization

  • Smart investment recommendations and stock analysis

  • Automated rebalancing and tax optimization

  • 24/7 AI-powered support chatbots

  • Investment simulators

📱 App example: Binance

Best AI business ideas #9: Fraud detection software

Fraudsters are constantly evolving their tactics, but AI doesn’t fall behind. AI fraud detection systems can potentially learn and adapt to new fraud patterns, improving detection accuracy. Such solutions can be quite handy across various domains such as banking, e-commerce, insurance, and healthcare. So if you’re considering your startup scaling, consider this AI business idea as a way to mitigate fraud risks and safeguard assets and reputation.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Machine learning anomaly detection

  • Real-time risk assessment and transaction authorization

  • Network analysis

  • AI-powered identity verification

📱 App example: Onfido

Best AI business ideas #10: Healthcare apps

The healthcare app field is vast and complex. AI solutions can transform the delivery of medical services by leveraging advanced technology. Launching an app with AI technology can enhance patient care, diagnosis, and treatment, and connect users with appropriate healthcare providers faster.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • AI-powered symptom analysis

  • Virtual consultations and AI-powered chatbots

  • Health conditions monitoring and wearable integration

  • Mental health support and self-care tools

📱 App example: Flo

Best AI business ideas #11: Recruitment apps

Managing a modern workforce requires making data-driven decisions to enhance overall HR operations and employee satisfaction. AI-powered HR apps can streamline administrative tasks, personalize the employee experience, and empower HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • AI-powered analysis of resumes, cover letters, etc.

  • Analysis of video interviews

  • Smart onboarding and personalized training

  • Employee engagement and sentiment analysis

  • Learning and development recommendations

📱 App example: Humanly 

Best AI business ideas #12: Real estate apps

Finding a dream home (or selling/renting a current one) can be a complex process. However, AI in real estate technology can analyze vast amounts of real estate data, including property listings, market trends, and user preferences, to offer tailored insights that match specific criteria.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Hyper-personalized property recommendations

  • Predictive market analysis

  • AI-powered virtual tours

  • AR-powered home renovation and design tools

  • Intelligent mortgage and financial planning

📱 App example: Redfin

Real estate app development in 2024

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Best AI business ideas #13: Travel apps

Planning a trip is exciting. But with a personalized AI travel concierge, the process indeed becomes a breeze. Travel AI startup ideas can tackle various aspects, from flight ticket booking to itinerary planning. One common thing of such apps is the goal to help users organize a seamless and unforgettable adventure.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • AI-powered itinerary creation and trip planning

  • Flight delay predictions

  • Intelligent packing recommendations based on weather forecasting

  • Real-time language translation

  • AR interactive tours around locations

📱 App example: Skyscanner

Best AI business ideas #14: Gaming apps

AI can inject boundless creativity and innovation into the world of gaming apps by offering immersive experiences, dynamic gameplay, and challenges. Imagine enemies that learn from your tactics, storylines that branch based on your decisions, and a world that reacts to your every move. AI-driven gaming apps can offer players unprecedented levels of engagement, excitement, and immersion, making every gaming session an unforgettable adventure.

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • Intelligent Non-Player Characters (NPCs)

  • Evolving in-game worlds and adaptive storytelling

  • Procedurally generated content

  • AI-powered team matchmaking

  • Contextual coaching management software and tips

  • Generated sound effects that adapt to gameplay

📱 App example: AI Dungeon

Best AI business ideas #15: Business automation (BA) apps

This AI business idea can help many companies streamline workflows, make informed decisions, and free up teams to focus on more important initiatives. Leveraging AI, business automation apps will process vast amounts of business data, identify patterns, and predict future outcomes more efficiently. Of course, depending on the business, whether it’s a construction firm, outsourcing provider, car dealer, or any other company, the BA app functionalities may vary. Below we’ve mentioned generic examples of possible features. 

⚙️ Key AI features may include:

  • AI-powered data entry and document processing

  • Smart scheduling and calendar management

  • Customer service chatbots

  • Automated reporting and data visualization

  • Real-time security monitoring and threat detection

📱 App example: Chatex

How SolveIt Can Transform Your AI Business Idea into a Profitable Solution

Implementing AI business ideas is a hot trend with many exciting possibilities emerging. However, when it comes to bringing your vision to life, finding the right partner is essential.

At this point, SolveIt is your one-stop shop. We specialize in integrating AI capabilities into iOS, Android, and Flutter mobile applications, making use of cutting-edge technologies like natural language processing, computer vision, recommendation systems, and voice recognition. Not stopping there, our team is also adept at enhancing web apps with AI solutions such as content recommendations, chatbots, and intelligent search.

At SolveIt, we recognize the need for speed in today's market. That's why we offer the option to build MVPs with artificial intelligence capabilities. This allows our clients to swiftly and effectively validate their product ideas and hit the market in record time.

SolveIt Case Study MVP Development

Backed by a team of dedicated experts who are constantly mastering new technologies, including AI, SolveIt is your trusted ally in turning your AI business idea into a viable solution.

Final words

As we wrap up our exploration of the best AI startup ideas, one key takeaway is clear: the potential of AI is boundless, offering innovative solutions across various industries. And the time to catch this wave is now. 

The success of your project hinges on not just the concept, but also the execution. So don't let your idea just stay a simple idea – contact our SolveIt team to hire developers for your startup and start your project today!

FAQ: AI Business Ideas

Q. How to start an AI business?

Start by identifying a problem you want to solve with the use of AI. Next, conduct thorough market research, assemble a talented team of developers and data scientists, and focus on creating a scalable and innovative solution.

Q. How much does it cost to build an AI-powered business solution?

The cost varies based on factors like the complexity of the solution, the size of the development team, and the technology stack used. You can contact our team to get a detailed estimation for your particular case.

Q. What are some key considerations for starting an AI startup?

Key considerations include understanding your target market, having a clear value proposition, ensuring access to quality data, staying updated on AI trends, and fostering a culture of innovation within your team.

Q. What is the best AI business to start?

The best AI business to start depends on various factors, including your expertise, interests, and market demand. Some most popular artificial intelligence business ideas include AI-powered healthcare solutions, e-commerce personalization platforms, cybersecurity systems, and automated customer service tools. Choose a niche that aligns with your goals and addresses a market need.